Create a task in which groups are used as the people assignment criteria for people resolution. 创建一个任务,其中组被用作人员解析的人员分配标准。
Create a task command to use the client API to make the web services call the external ILOG BRMS. 创建一个任务命令来使用客户端API使web服务调用外部ILOGBRMS。
For example, you can create a Task to Initiate a Project. 例如,您可以为一个项目创建一个任务。
By using these instructions, you can create multiple task mappings to meet your requirements. 通过使用这些指令,您可以创建多个任务映射来满足您的要求。
Create a task in which dynamic people resolution with XPath expressions is used to assign authorized users to tasks. 创建一个任务,其中含有XPath表达式的动态人员解析被用于给授权用户分配任务。
Last, a Work Configuration is used to establish a rule that says when a Request of type Problem is created, also create a Task of type Fix. 最后,WorkConfiguration是用来建立这样的规则的:当创建一个Problem类型的请求,还要创建一个类型Fix的任务。
The fields in the Create database task assistant provide a framework to guide you through the create database command syntax. Createdatabase任务助理中的字段帮助用户编写createdatabase命令。
Finally, those who are authorized to create task instances can also be specified. 最后,还可以指定那些授权创建任务实例的人员。
You can use the adapter to create the task directly from the HP defect, prefilled with the contents of the defect. 可以使用适配器直接从HP缺陷创建该任务,预先填充该缺陷的内容。
Through the API, it's also possible to create task groups, attach tasks to those groups, and add processor shares to the groups for task scheduling. 通过API,还可以创建任务组、附加任务到那些组以及将处理器共享添加到任务调度组。
Next create a Task and set the type attribute to "General" and associate it with the Project and Request that you just created. 接下来创建一个任务,并设置类型属性为“General”,将它与您刚才创建的项目和请求连接起来。
ShippingTask provides a service for the ShippingProcess component to call when it wants to create a task that a human must complete ( or in our case, a specialized shipping droid). ShippingTask提供了一个服务,以便在ShippingProcess组件希望创建必须人工完成的任务(或在我们示例中的特殊配送droid)时进行调用。
Project B also has a Request of Type Problem, and its Work Configuration sets a rule to create Task of type Defect. 项目B还拥有一个类型Problem的请求,并且他它的WorkConfiguration设定一个创建类型缺陷的任务的规则。
This helps identify the host that was used to create this task. 这有助于标识用于创建此任务的主机。
Drag onto an existing project schedule and connect two task bars to create a task dependency. 拖到现有项目日程上并连接两个任务栏以创建任务依赖关系。
If you did not select the create outlook task check box, access saves the import specification and imports the objects you specified. 如果未选中“创建outlook任务”复选框,则access会保存导入规格并导入指定的对象。
The next step is to create a task, and choose one of the many settings it can have 下一步是创建一个任务,并设置它具有的大量属性
Select the create outlook task check box if you want to perform the operation at fixed intervals, such as weekly or monthly. 如果您要按固定时间间隔(如每周一次或每月一次)执行该操作,请选中“创建outlook任务”复选框。
To create task dependencies, the tasks must be linked. 若要创建任务相关性,必须将任务链接起来。
This wizard helps you create a task for this taskpad. 此向导帮助您为这个任务板创建任务。
Just as you have created an input form to capture user credentials, you should create a task edit form to capture the changed values. 正如创建用于捕获用户凭据的输入窗体一样,您应该创建一个任务编辑窗体来捕获已更改的值。
Create a task for each new document of a particular type 为特殊类型的每个新文档创建一个任务
{ You cannot link tasks in this situation.} You cannot create a task link from or to an embedded document. {无法在这种情况下链接任务。}无法创建来源于或指向嵌入文档或的任务链接。
Fatal error: couldn't create the task list. 严重错误:无法创建任务列表。
To create an outlook task that allows you to schedule the export operation at a future date, select the create outlook task check box. 若要创建一个outlook任务以允许您安排在将来某个日期执行导出操作,请选中“创建outlook任务”复选框。
In the implementation of the teaching process, the first is to create task book and clarify activities and requirements, and then guiding students to operate. 在实施教学过程中,首先创建任务书,明确活动内容与要求,然后引导学生动手操作,调动学生主动思考和自主尝试成为项目教学的关键。
Create a task for someone on the tasks list of your team site. 在工作组网站的“任务”列表上为某用户创建任务。
Insufficient memory to create task list! 内存不足无法创建任务列表!
Opens the create new task wizard. 打开创建新任务向导。
Remote Storage will create a task on% 1 to copy each eligible file to remote storage. 远程存储将在%1上创建一个任务,把每个合格的文件复制到远程存储。